EGI Federated Cloud

ReCaS-Bari cloud site is fully integrated in the EGI Federated Cloud. The user access is regulated by SLAs/OLAs.

If your virtual organization has a valid SLA with our site, you will be able to access our Openstack cloud services as follows.

Dashboard access

Point your browser to

  1. choose the OpenID Connect authentication method OpenID Connect Authentication

  2. select the EGI-Checkin IdP EGI AAI IdP

You will be redirected to your organization project.

CLI access

The OpenStack Client has built-in support for using OpenID Connect Access Tokens to authenticate.

First get a valid token from EGI Check-in:

Copy the curl command provided in the form to generate the access token as shown in the screenshot below:

Paste the command in a terminal and launch it. You will get an output similar to the following:

    "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyN........",
    "expires_in": 3599,
    "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWxnIj........",
    "refresh_token": "************",
    "scope": "openid profile email",
    "token_type": "Bearer"

Then copy-paste the “access_token” field value and use it in a command like:

$ openstack --os-auth-url --os-auth-type v3oidcaccesstoken --os-protocol oidc --os-identity-provider --os-access-token "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyN........" token issue
| Field   | Value                            |
| expires | 2019-11-14T11:51:38+0000         |
| id      | c83f70e772294dca9778a4f6224c034a |
| user_id | b80cbdb04ade43b29da0a65855a8ed2a |

Report issues

For any problem you can open a ticket on GGUS.


For further information check out our site or contact support.